All The Books Author Event
Hey everyone! So just to keep you in the loop of where I'll be for my next book signing, it's going to be Houston again at the All The...
BABIT2018 - Books Are Bigger In Texas
Today was incredible. Yes, it was hot and humid, but there were so many amazing authors there today and the readers were out of this...
Houston Bound on Friday!
Leaving Friday for the Books Are Bigger In Texas 2018 book signing! Wow! I'm so excited for this guys. This will be my first BIG book...
Working, not working...
I'm really trying my best to work on Erik (aka Hacker, aka Book 3) but I am getting so sidetracked... with things like this. LOL.

Getting the hang of this website business
This was when it all became real... This was my proof copy of my very first published book. I still have it. Might frame it. haha!

One of the songs that made me think of Erik...
Hmmmm it says to use key words and a good descriptive words here. Like romance? Erotic Romance? Military Romance? Writing new books? Hot,...